MYTRIBOS International Symposium 2023


MYTRIBOS | All Right Reserved 2023




Photo album [click HERE]
Programme e-book and presentation schedule updated [click HERE]
Sponsorship opportunities is still open until 31 July 2023 [click HERE]    
Keynote speaker is updated [click HERE]

Opportunity of publishing full paper in a special issue of a Scopus/WoS indexed journal. The special issue will be published on Dec'23 and/or Mar'24) [click HERE].

Opportunity of receiving the Young Tribologist Best Paper Award [click HERE]
Symposium poster [click HERE]
No photo description available.

The 5th MYTRIBOS International Symposium is organized by Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS) and hosted by Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). This year, the symposium will take place on 24 August 2023 (Thursday) at Universiti Putra Malaysia.International participants may choose to attend this symposium virtually.


The aim of this symposium is to promote best practices in tribology research and development around the globe, and to facilitate collaboration between academia and industry in all possible endeavors.

The programme committee is now inviting you to contribute and share your ideas, expertise and knowledge for the symposium. We invite scientist, researchers, academia, postgraduates, undergraduates, regulators, industries and practitioners to attend the symposium and share your thoughts and experiences in adopting tribology to meet emerging challenging of the global environmentally sustainable engineering. We look forward to seeing you at the symposium despite your busy schedule.

Participation in the symposium is at an affordable fee, benefiting both postgraduates and undergraduates! You might be able to get a gift voucher!




MYR 1,500


MYR 1,000


MYR 500


Company logo/url on website





Sponsorship certificate





One exhibition booth





One invited talk in parallel session /  X  X  X

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Half-inside between content

*Limited to one sponsorship only.
*MYTRIBOS corporate membership can get RM100 off.

Sponsorhip form can be downloaded HERE. Please email the form to by 31 July 2023.

Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors