Deadline: 31 July 2022

Authors with accepted abstracts are welcome to submit their optional full papers with no additional cost for publication consideration in one of our supporting Scopus/WoS indexed journals. Here are announcements from some of the international journals to all authors.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J - The Journal of Engineering Tribology
(Indexed in Scopus and WoS core collections with Impact Factor = 1.674)

Symposium presenters are encouraged to submit their full papers to the Part J – Journal of Engineering Tribology. When submitting please choose the special issue submission ‘MYTRIBOS 2022. Manuscripts submitted will go through the normal peer review managed by our journal’s guest editors and appear in a special issue as they are accepted and ready for publication.

Journal URLhttps://journals.sagepub.com/home/pij

Submission URLhttps://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jet

Jurnal Tribologi
(Indexed in Scopus and WoS core collections)

Symposium presenters are encouraged to submit their full papers to Jurnal Tribologi. When submitting please choose the special issue submission ‘MYTRIBOS 2022’. Manuscripts submitted will go through the normal peer review managed by the journal’s chief editors and appear in a special issue as they are accepted and ready for publication.

Journal URLhttps://jurnaltribologi.mytribos.org

Submission URLhttp://www.editorialsystem.com/jtrib